Winter can be a fun and festive time, but after the holidays are over, the cold snowy days and freezing temperatures can be waring. Unfortunately, this weather can also have some harmful effects on your masonry chimney, as well, and the sooner you address any damages, the better off you will be.
Well, here at The Chimney Doctor, we have the tools and training to repair anything that’s broken down, cracked, or crumbling, and we can equip homeowners with all kinds of preventative measures to minimize the risk of these issues reoccurring again down the line. Ready to learn about the best ways to keep your system protected for the long haul? Then, reach out to our team today! We’re ready to help you out with it all.
The Freeze/Thaw Process
One of the biggest ways winter weather can affect your structure is through the freeze/thaw process. Now, not everyone realizes this, but the strong, sturdy bricks that make up your chimney are actually quite absorbent. They can soak in quite a bit of water, and as you can imagine, this excess moisture isn’t good for the strength and durability of the system over time.
Unfortunately, when the weather is cold things get even worse. If this pre-absorbed water freezes, it will expand and put a lot of strain on your system. When it thaws and settles, this hurts your structure, too, and if this process is repeated multiple times a season, your system will really be suffering by the end of it all. Eventually, all that extra pressure will take its toll, and you’ll be more prone to experience expensive damages or possibly even a settlement or collapse.
So, how can this process be avoided down the line? One way to protect your masonry is by waterproofing. For some, this means investing in store-bought sealers or paint, but this is a practice we strongly advise against. These products are somewhat effective at keeping moisture out, but they wind up trapping pre-absorbed moisture inside the masonry during the process, meaning your system will continue to break down over time.
Trusting a professional is always the way to go, as they will use specially designed tools and products that effectively keep water out while being vapor-permeable so that anything inside can easily escape. The look of your structure won’t be affected, either. Sometimes waterproofing agents leave a glossy coating, but a professional application won’t result in this.
Ready to learn more? Our crew would be happy to answer any and all of your questions. Call today to set up an appointment with the team at The Chimney Doctor!
Rust, Rot, Decay & More
The freeze/thaw process isn’t the only thing you’ll need to worry about when it comes to water and your chimney. One major problem occurs when your metal components start to rust. If your flashing is broken or if it was installed incorrectly, water could pool and cause the material to rust or wear down. This also goes for the chimney cap. If this piece becomes damaged, you can bet water will be working its way into your chimney in no time! The sooner you address broken down parts, the better.
There’s also a chance that your ceiling and woodwork can experience rot, as well as mold accumulation, and various other parts of your chimney will decay and break down, too. All in all, water is something you want to keep away from your chimney at all costs, and failing to invest in appropriate preventative maintenance will trigger a lot of wear and tear.
Take action now to avoid bigger and most costly issues down the line. Our team is CSIA certified, and we have extensive experience under our belts, so you can bet that we’ve seen it all when it comes to keeping your chimney in the best shape possible. Call today, and we can get this process started for you.
Chimney Crown Damages
Another threat to your system comes in the form of crown damage. If water affects your crown’s ability to function correctly, then the rain, snow, and sleet will be able to easily run down the sides of your chimney and affect the health of your masonry. A well-constructed crown should be made from a cement-based mixture, and it should also slant slightly, so that water runs off and away from the bricks and mortar that make up your chimney.
Whether your crown has faced damage from an outside source or it was simply constructed poorly to begin with, we can help you out. We have repaired, restored, and rebuilt crowns all throughout the Grand Junction area, and we can get you set up right in no time, allowing you the peace of mind you deserve in the weeks ahead.
We’re Experienced, Trained & Highly Educated
We hold certifications with the CSIA and the NFI, and we are members of the NCSG, as well. We’re also associated with highly esteemed organizations like the NFPA, the BBB, and the HPBA, and our many years of experience ensure we know what we’re doing – there isn’t much we haven’t seen!
Ready to work with the best of the best? Then, it’s time to call on our crew. Reach out today, and we can set you up with everything you need to live safer and more comfortably!
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