Meet the Team
What Does It Mean To Be Committed To Your Safety?
Being committed to your safety means that we take proactive measures to ensure that you and those around you are protected from harm. On our end, this involves our dedication to improving our inspection processes, pursuing certification, and continuing education. From regular service and inspection to installing or repairing appliances and chimneys already in your home and workplace your safety is first and foremost in all we do. In the context of chimney maintenance, being committed to safety means hiring certified professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to properly inspect, sweep, maintain, and repair your system as needed. By doing so, you can have peace of mind knowing that your chimney is safe and functioning properly.
The certifications listed below are just some of the other ways that we are able to continue our education and training to become the most knowledgeable and trustworthy chimney professionals available!
Below are some of the certification agencies that we pursue education through. Other training providers and industry suppliers also provide education that applies towards the renewal of the certifications we possess. To see the certifications held by each of our staff please Meet the Team now. Depending on the technician sent out different levels of certification have been obtained but one thing is promised, that anyone representing The Chimney Doctor will be engaged in the process of education, and has access to those with much more experience with a phone call.
Fireplace Investigation, Research & Education Service (F.I.R.E.)
The F.I.R.E. Certified Inspector Program is the first and only inspection certification within the hearth industry. This certification was developed over ten years ago and has proven to be the gold standard of this industry. This professional education provides detailed instruction on the inspection and investigation of fireplaces, chimneys, vented appliances, and vent-free products. This professional program includes but is not limited to the applicable building codes, manufacturer’s specifications, product identification, listing requirements, case study, historical performance, product design and application, inspection methodology, report writing, and fire technology. This Program also includes hands-on training in actual inspection techniques, photography and basic investigation techniques. Students are required to demonstrate these skills in a lab setting by recognizing multiple defects and reporting them.
The F.I.R.E. Certified Inspector is trained and tested on the building codes, industry standards, product application, historical performance, and fire technology, just to name a few. This knowledge reflects the “Gold Standard” of the industry and a professional you can count on. Following the F.I.R.E. Certified Inspectors recommendations will further reduce risk to your family.
The F.I.R.E. Certified Inspector Code of Ethics
This Code of Ethics is intended to establish moral and professional obligations for the F.I.R.E. Certified Inspectors of the Fireplace Investigation, Research & Education Service.
These obligations apply to all Certified Individuals who perform or provide, but are not limited too, the following services. The independent inspections of existing gas and/or solid fuel burning fireplaces/appliances and/or chimneys, ventilation systems, new construction inspection, resale inspection, performance inspection, repair specifications, consulting, litigation support or fire investigations.
This Code of Ethics also applies to those who are F.I.R.E. Certified but act only in the capacity as a manager for a company.
This Code of Ethics is not intended to create new civil cause of action. Nothing in this Code of Ethics shall be deemed to create, augment, diminish, or eliminate any substantive legal duty of the Inspectors or the non-disciplinary consequences of violating such a duty. In the event of any conflict between these Codes of Ethics and the substantive laws of your State, the substantive law shall take precedence.
Each Certified Inspector agrees to maintain a high standard of professionalism, independence, integrity, and fairness in all actions while in the performance of an inspection and related activities.
This agreement does not limit or discard the individual Inspectors opinion. However there should be justification for this opinion, and this opinion should not reflect any monitory or outside influence.
The Inspector Shall:
- Deal with the public in a professional manner without misrepresentation, conflict, or bias.
- Use discretion in the conduct of business and disclosure of information.
- Advertise, promote, and conduct business activities in a manner that reflects professionalism, independence, integrity, and fairness.
- Refrain from making derogatory comments concerning the professional opinion of persons in the same or related fields.
- Assist the general public in recognizing and understanding the need for a qualified inspection, regardless of the company or Inspector selected to perform the inspection.
- Foster a competitive market and refrain from activities in conflict with the public interest.
- Act in the interest of the client and the profession, to maintain and increase their level of knowledge regarding new developments in the field.
- Maintain independence from outside influence and interest, which would compromise the ability to render a fair and impartial opinion on any inspection performed.
- Disclose to the Client or their representative any real or potential conflict of interest as soon as the Inspector becomes aware of such conflict.
- Cooperate with other F.I.R.E. Certified Inspector to ensure the continued promotion of the high standards of the Fireplace Investigation, Research & Education Service and the Certification Program.
- Pledge to the continued pursuit of increased competence, fairness, education and knowledge necessary to maintain the confidence of the public and profession.
- Refrain from representation as an expert or specialist unless specifically qualified and/or licensed as such.
- Refrain from representation as a F.I.R.E. Certified Inspector unless currently in good standings as such.
- Promptly and confidentially report in writing to the F.I.R.E. Service evidence of another F.I.R.E. Certified Inspector engaging in unethical practices or other violations of this Code of Ethics. This report shall cite the specific applicable section or sections of the Code of Ethics, which have allegedly been violated. The Assembled Ethics Committee shall not include the individual filing the report nor any local competitor of the Inspector in question. The Inspector in Question will be given fifteen days (15) to respond. All decisions shall be based on the merit of the evidence and any dispute provided. The findings of the Assembled Ethics Committee shall be final and binding on the affected parties.

Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA)
At The Chimney Doctor, your safety is our #1 concern in all inspection, cleaning, repair, and installation work we perform. That’s why we’ve gone through the training, education, and rigorous testing required to become CSIA-certified.
Certification through the Chimney Safety Institute of America requires a working knowledge of current local building codes, NFPA 211 guidelines, and codes from the International Residential Code (IRC) 2015. As certified sweeps, we also commit to regularly taking continuing education courses in our field so we can bring the best and most up-to-date service and information to our customers.
We are here to help protect your home and make sure that your chimney can contain the byproducts of combustion. If it cannot, we strive to make sure you understand why it poses a safety risk to your structure or family, and how best to repair it to meet or exceed current safety standards in the industry.
I fully acknowledge that certification by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) carries with it certain responsibilities and obligations which may hold me to a higher standard of performance and professional behavior than applicable laws, rules, or regulations. In this regard, I pledge:
- To learn and utilize all chimney and venting safety practices and techniques that are promoted by CSIA.
- To render my services in an honest and fair manner and to refrain from engaging in unfair or deceptive practices or making any unfair or deceptive statements…
- To comply with all applicable building codes in the areas I service, with the manufacturer’s installation instructions for the products I install, and with recognized chimney and venting practices.
- To promote and educate consumers about safe chimney and venting practices.
- To strive to continually update my knowledge, skills, and techniques and keep current with accepted chimney and venting safety practices.
- To conduct myself in a decent, respectful, and professional manner when serving in my capacity as a CSIA-Certified Chimney Sweep®, CSIA-Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician®, CSIA-Certified Master Chimney Sweep®, or CSIA-Certified Chimney Specialist®, and when attending a function or event of an organization in the chimney or hearth products industry…
I agree to accept and abide by the CSIA Code of Ethics as a standard in rendering services as a CSIA-Certified Chimney Sweep®, Dryer Exhaust Technician®, Master Chimney Sweep®, or Chimney Specialist®.
National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG)
The National Chimney Sweep Guild is the only nationally-recognized trade association for chimney professionals. Every member must abide by the code of ethics below. The NCSG is creating the industry’s only accredited certifications and as such our members represent the highest standard of skill and safety.
I fully acknowledge that membership in the National Chimney Sweep Guild carries with it certain responsibilities and obligations which may hold me to a higher standard of performance and professional behavior than applicable laws, rules or regulations. In this regard, I pledge:
1. To represent myself and my company in a professional manner by providing services, education and skills that are in compliance with all codes and regulations applicable to the chimney service industry that are in effect in my service area.
2. To continually update my knowledge, skills and techniques as new information evolves within the industry.
3. To render my services and represent my company in an honest and fair manner and to refrain from engaging in unfair or deceptive practices or making any unfair or deceptive statements…
4. To conduct myself in a decent, respectful, and professional manner when serving in my capacity as a chimney sweep, or when attending a function or event of an organization in the chimney or hearth products industry…
I agree to conform to NCSG’s Code of Ethics during the term of my membership. By agreeing to this Code of Ethics, I understand that it is my responsibility to remain abreast of any changes to the Code of Ethics, that my actions and those of my company and employees may be reviewed by a committee of my peers, and that failure to abide by these ethical obligations is a violation of NCSG policy and… may result in disciplinary action as determined by NCSG or its delegated committee. I agree to hold harmless NCSG and its committees from any and all liability resulting from any disciplinary action taken against me…

National Fireplace Institute (NFI)
Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association (HPBA)
Some of the topics covered in the NFI Wood-Burning Specialist Certification include:
- Heat transfer & house pressure testing
- Fireplace efficiency factors
- Current codes & standards
- Venting systems
- Factory-built fireplaces, inserts, and wood stoves
- Appliance installation & troubleshooting
- Jobsite tools & safety
- Construction basics
Some of the topics covered in the NFI Gas Specialist Certification include:
- Valves, burners, ignition systems, thermostats, and remote control
- Fuel delivery & installation regulations
- Heat protection & venting installation guidelines
- Current codes & standards
- Draft & ventilation basics
- Troubleshooting
- Electricity & house pressure testing
Some of the topics covered in the NFI Pellet Specialist Certification exam include:
- Pellet fuel combustion & standards
- Fuel delivery systems
- Combustion air delivery
- Venting systems
- Installation planning
- Service and troubleshooting guidelines
- Codes and standards
- Fuel corn characteristics
- Combustibles and floor protection
For more on the NFI and their mission and certification requirements, click here.

EPA Burn Wise
The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Burn Wise program is a “voluntary partnership program between EPA, state agencies, manufacturers, and consumers to emphasize the importance of burning right wood, the right way, in the right appliance.”
While many may balk at the new restrictions put in place by the EPA a few good things have come from the restrictions imposed on the production of wood burning appliances: 1) the appliances produce more heat and use less wood when properly stored and dried fuel is used, 2) when properly operated less creosote is produced and the frequency and intensity of chimney fires is reduced, and 3) solid fuel appliance manufacturers are incentivized to innovate and produce more efficient appliances.
Rocky Mountain Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (RMHPBA)
As an industry leader in stove and fireplace installations and repair, The Chimney Doctor has worked hard to foster a close relationship with many local hearth product dealers. To better serve our customers, our company is also a proud member of the Rocky Mountain Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (RMHPBA) As an affiliate of the national HPBA, RMHPBA strives to support the interests of the hearth and barbecue products industries while including membership from Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and Utah. If you let us work for you, you’ll discover the many benefits of having a member of the RMHPBA service your home!

The International Association of Arson Investigators® (IAAI®) is the foremost in fire investigation industry. To date our founder Daniel has completed hundreds of hours of additional training through this organization in an effort to bring as much applicable education back into the company as possible. In the end this serves to improve the knowledge, understanding, and perspective of our employees and technicians as you interact with them. We can’t promise that we are perfect but we try our best to put your safety first.
The IAAI “is an international professional association of more than 10,000 fire investigation professionals, united by a strong commitment to suppress the crime of arson through professional fire investigation… and is “associated with the fire, arson, and explosion investigation profession with respect to fire safety and prevention; arson investigation, determination, and prosecution; and fire loss claims and litigation.”
As a member of the International Code Council we are active in the development of the code sections that apply to the chimney and venting industry. We strive to follow applicable codes in all our work and seek to understand the reasoning behind changes that affect our work so that we can keep you, our customer, safe in the end. The ICC “is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions that include product evaluation, accreditation, technology, training, and certification. The Code Council’s codes, standards, and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable, and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide…”
Our belief in, and adherence, to codes and standards as the minimum requirements for safe operation have given us a unique perspective to look at the systems we inspect. Our greatest concern is whether or not systems are properly constructed, installed, and if they are suitable for continued use. If not we will be first to let you know that issues exist and recommend repair or replacement as necessary.

The National Association of Fire Investigators is a membership of which we are proud. Delving into the world of fire investigation has helped to expand our training and our perspective to see more fully why systems fail and how fire spreads to the structure. In looking over the issues that led to fires in the cases reviewed we gain a better understanding of the importance of minimum air space clearances between heating appliances and chimneys and the combustible structure surrounding it. This education has also helped us to understand the importance of following manufacturers instructions and installing systems per their minimum requirements.
NAFI is a “non profit association of Fire Investigation professionals dedicated to the education of fire investigators worldwide. NAFI has lead the charge to bring fire investigation science into the 21st century… NAFI’s mission is to increase the knowledge and improve the skills of persons engaged in the investigation and analysis of fires, explosions and arsons, or the litigation that ensues from such investigations.”
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
The NFPA is a global non-profit trade organization in which maintains a strict code of ethics for its members in order to eliminate “death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards.”
We are committed to the continued development of NFPA211, NFPA54, and NFPA31 as they relate to the hearth industry. Wherever two codes or standards conflict we always recommend going with the more strict of the two and if they can be interpreted also taking the more restrictive interpretation. Standards are important for to your safety and are ever evolving as new safety issues and industry developments are brought up and discussed.


#11th Top Rated Local Business in Colorado in 2018
We want to say ‘Thank You!’ to our customers for the many great reviews that made us a Top Rated Local® 2018 Award Winner! With a rating score of 99.97, we were awarded the #11th Top Rated Local Business in Colorado in 2018, and we couldn’t be happier. Check out our interview to learn a little more about why our customers have rated us so highly and why we do what we do.