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Summertime Fireplace Checklist

When the sun shines brighter, the temperatures rise, and the allure of summer activities draws us outdoors, the appeal of a cozy fireplace may seem distant. But the summer season is a great opportunity to give your fireplace the love and attention it warrants –...

Your Chimney: Crowns vs. Caps vs. Chase Covers

Your chimney is an important part of your home. And if it’s working the way it should you can safely enjoy your fireplace and heating appliances, along with all the benefits that come with them. However, like any structure built outside, natural elements like...

Fire Pit Maintenance Tips

As the weather gets warmer, the days get longer, and the evenings take on that soft and inviting glow that just begs you outside, outdoor fire pits become a favorite spot for countless homeowners in the Grand Junction area. Perhaps there is nothing more enjoyable than...

Chimney Scams: How To Spot Them

You want your chimney to be clean and safe so that you can enjoy using your fireplace with peace of mind. And you likely know that achieving this requires partnering with a reputable chimney professional who can provide annual inspections, remove blockages, and help...

Do Creosote Sweeping Logs Work?

If you’ve browsed the aisles of a home improvement store recently, you may have come across a section dedicated to the care of your chimney system. Among the products available are something called creosote sweeping logs.  If you love using your wood-burning...